Our Mission

Fear No Bully is an organization that has the goal of empowering our youth to understand that Nobody has the right to hurt them. We want everyone to BE CONFIDENT! With a 5-step plan of standing up to bullies, the students learn that they may be a target for bullying but that doesn’t mean they have to be a victim.​​

Step 1; Use your mind. Avoid bullying situations, learn to read people.

Step 2; Use your words. Talk to the bully and let him know that you will not be a target.

Step 3; Use your legs. Run away from the bully if you are able.

Step 4; Ask for help. We’re not telling on someone, simply asking them to help you with a bullying situation.

Step 5; Defend yourself. This is the last step and one that only comes as a last resort.

Once the student realizes the power they have not to be bullied they can also help others by becoming an upstander, not a bystander.

Students are taught through interactive courses of instruction that teach them the five steps of not being bullied. Working with partners in these interactive classes to simulate a bullying situation is the heart of what we do. For those that are unable to attend classes we have literature and videos being produced and offered online and at community events and fundraisers to educate all children that nobody has the right to hurt them.